Friday, June 18, 2010

The Creative Pictured Printer

As the car rolled to a stop, it caught my eye. As I got closer, I noticed some words like "hen", "dog", "farmer", "Igloo". I wondered what it could be... picking each piece up I realized they were stamps. The man sitting nearby informed me that they were from 1932. We stood there, my mother and I, picking up each stamp, eager to look flip it over and see what the image would look like.

We must have stood there for 5 minutes, at least, flipping each stamp over, one by one, enthralled. Tray after tray, image after image, word after word. In the back of my mind, I began designing the cards I would make with these stamps, if they could still stamp. I sure hoped they could, they were beautiful... unique... intriguing. I purchased the set, in its neat old box, and took it home with me, my prized treasure of the day. Only once I got it home would I realize just how neat it was... there are over 400 stamps of letters, words, characters, and numbers, and almost 70 stamps of images ranging from President Roosevelt to African huts. I carefully laid each word out, arranging them by letter of the alphabet. Gently, I put each back in its right place in the trays. And then I began to try them out - and was overjoyed to find that they stamped wonderfully! Even the old ink, which had been dried on for decades, cleaned off with a bit of TLC.

I decided that I am going to sell the cards I make from this set... they are just too neat not to share (you can find them on Etsy).


Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Oh my goodness... I am drooling here! I have a collection of old stamps and I have never seen such a set like this. It is wonderful! Great find!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow Erin, it's beautiful! Congrats on your find!

I did find Stephen a pair of Timberlain sandles for $.25 that's my find of the day. =)

Amaria said...

What a treasure! You'll use it so well, too!

cory - falling star lane said...

Oh my gosh - these are fabulous!!! if you EVER want to get rid of them, i will give them a home - i am so jealous of your find!! how amazing this is!

you don't say how much you paid, is it a secret?

♥ cory

Colleen said...

These are wonderful. I'm so jealous. I want to see them in person.

Kristin said...

Sooo cool! That looks like a really neat set!!

Christina Rose //floresdelsol said...

wow! How lovely and amazing!!! That is a great find!

Holly Lefevre said...

I am seriously drooling over that find. AWESOME...lucky lady!

Shermanators said...

What an awesome find! You are so very creative! I started making cards myself a few months is so much fun!

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