Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Finding a Smile on a Dreary Day

Sometimes I look at the things around my house so often that I forget to really look at them, and I forget to appreciate the lovely, thoughtful, nostalgic items we've accumulated and incorporated into our home.  My house is full of things that have a story, things that remind me of people and places, or even just things I enjoy to look at.

So today, I challenge you to look around, and rediscover why you hung that picture in your living room in the first place, or what clever decorating idea you put into place and have since taken for granted.

Here are the top 5 things I found in my home that brought a smile to my face on this dreary, rainy Tuesday.

An old picture... found at a garage sale... this is one of two coordinating prints.

The newest addition to our home: 2 chairs given to me by my grandfather; the needlework was done by my grandmother...

A bright green plant in one of my favorites: a white urn.  Behind the plant is a cutting board made by my uncle, as a wedding present...

Tangerine!  A Fiestaware pitcher my parents found for me at the Fiesta Outlet - for $4!

A collection of salt and pepper shakers on a crisp white shelf with a mirror above.  The majority of the shakers are from my grandmother's collection, though I've added a few I've found since...

I'd love to hear or see things from around your house that are sure to bring a smile to your face!



April Bourgois said...

Oh, Erin, you have such a lovely, neat home! Can you come make mine like that?

Here's five bits of happy from my home:

1: My great-great grandmother's dining chair that her father made for her betrothal. I sit in it every day.

2: Dancing chickens in the yard.

3: Any of the cats.

4: Husband. I'm so lucky.

5: My horn sewing box made by a friend. It gives everyone else the creeps because it has a New England "death's head" angel on it but it reminds me of where I was born and my ancestors.

Jennifer {Studio JRU} said...

Beautiful post and beautiful idea! I also have a house full of items with a story. I am actually... trying to... put together a scrapbook to remember the stories behind my things! :)


Anonymous said...

Lovely selections. I'm thinking of many things I would chose...just don't have time to write about them at present...maybe in the future. =)

Kristin said...

Awesomeness! I have a collection of some stuff from my great aunt, who passed away about 5 years ago at age 101...some furniture we had restored, a bunch of sparkly costume jewelry, old rosaries, and old books. She and my other aunt used to write their own poetry alongside poems in books, or cut out other ones/illustrations and glue them in. I really treasure those things! Other than that, the stuff in my house that I treasure is all alive :) the people and animals...except when Bella claws me, then I don't treasure her quite as much...but I'm trying!!! :)

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