Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Certainly No Coincidence

We definitely serve an awesome God who knows what we need before we even realize it!  Over the weekend, Jared and I tore out the all of the carpet that was in the house - and I mean all of it.  We had put the carpet in a pile in the guest bedroom, waiting until we figured out what to do with it.  Then, last night, Jared and I headed over to the new house to get some work done.  Typically we can't go over in the evening, but last night we were able to.  As we're driving down the streets, we see huge piles of trash out with big stuff, like furniture.  Our neighbors were outside, so we asked them if our suspicions were true - and they were; it was take-all trash night!  It happens just once a year - you can get rid of almost anything, in any quantity.  Music to our disgusting-carpet-hating ears!

But there was just one little snag ... we don't actually have trash service at the new house yet.  But again, God had taken care of that as well - our neighbor (whom we just met last night) let us put out our trash in front of his house.  And not only that... he offered to help us lug all of our trash out!  I really don't think he knew what he was getting into... that stuff stank.  Bad.

Two rolls of duck tape later, we were done, and our neighbor had a huge pile of rank used-to-be-beige-but-isn't-anymore carpet on his front lawn.  (Please excuse the poor photos - it was dark out!)

Below is the living room, carpet-free.  It still hasn't been cleaned (we still don't have water), but it's really not in too bad of shape.

Below is the upstairs hallway. Again, I hadn't even swept it at this point, but it'll look even better when it's clean!  And don't worry, those rolls of carpet in the picture made their way to the neighbor's yard!  I just jumped the gun a little on my picture taking :-)

I've also been working on the front door - replacing it with our bargain light and fixing up the mailbox - but it's not quite done yet.  Pictures to come when it's finished!



Anonymous said...

That is so absolutely awesome!PTL for you and look at that beautiful wood...what were they thinking? Thankfully they didn't use glue or anything junky like that! =) You'll have to make your new neighbor some cookies or something as a thank you! =)

Unknown said...

Wow! hard wood floors under all that carpet. what a great find!!!

Cindi @ Rustique Art said...

OMGosh!!!!! Hardwood floors! Yipee! I'm just giddy for you :) and that you have awesome neighbors.

Aunt Sandy said...

You are truly blessed with perfect timing and great neighbors! Are you sore from all that pulling and hauling?

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